You are currently viewing White Lies Shattered – Episode 12: The University System Owes Reparations – The Ivory Tower Exposed

White Lies Shattered – Episode 12: The University System Owes Reparations – The Ivory Tower Exposed

This episode of “White Lies Shattered” features Chairwoman of the African People’s Solidarity Committee, Penny Hess and Visiting Assistant Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of San Diego, Dr. Matsemela Odom vanquishing the lie that the academic ivory tower is a bastion of truth and justice.

Hess and Odom use the historical record to make it abundantly clear that universities and colleges owe reparations to African people.

White Lies Shattered is a series on the Reparations in Action radio show and podcast that airs Fridays at 3pm U.S. Eastern Time on Black Power 96.3 FM in St. Petersburg, Florida.

It’s on-demand here and wherever you get your podcasts.

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