A message from Mr. Eddie Maultsby, Assistant Station Manager and the “world’s best blind DJ”:
I was born and raised in St. Petersburg, Florida and spent 35 years singing and playing my guitar for the people downtown. I wanted to do something different.
I heard about the radio station. I decided to come over and see if I could DJ, something I’ve always wanted to do.
When I got there and found it was called “Black Power” that really meant something to me. It means having our own, owning our own. Black Power 96 is not just an ordinary station to play music. It’s a revolutionary station. It has a message along with the music.
I’m glad to be part of it. I realize I’m one of those tools to help change the world. I want the station to make a difference in the African community.
I want young people to get the opportunity to know they can get free. I want 8, 11 or 13 year olds to know what “Uhuru” or “Black Power” or “reparations” means.
Radio is a really powerful way to reach people. We don’t have to rely on the internet or satellites. With radio, we can reach the masses.
The capitalist colonialist media will control you. They can even ban a former president from Twitter for life. But owning your own media—they can’t ban us or take away our media. We can talk with people with just an antenna.
I get calls all the time from people saying they love the station and the music I’m playing. I’ve had a few people who said they went and bought a radio because of Black Power 96. One caller said he couldn’t get out of his car because we were jamming so hard.
In my 58 years, I’ve only seen things getting harder for the African community in St. Pete. Gentrification is pushing us out or making us double up in our housing. There are less black-owned businesses than when I was young. We’re still struggling. We’re still in need of the essentials.
Black Power 96.3 FM radio is part of a movement to change that. With your support, we will keep growing and we will expand the Black Power airwaves throughout the U.S. and the world.
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