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Chairman Omali Yeshitela calls on supporters to donate to Black Power 96 FM Radio

During the January 20th episode of Omali Taught Me on Black Power 96.3 FM Radio, Uhuru Movement leader Omali Yeshitela called on people to support Black Power 96 with contributions to raise $5,000 needed to upgrade studio equipment and take the station to a higher level.

Watch Chairman Omali’s appeal and make a donation today to help the station get more professional studio and broadcast equipment, including:

  • A professional talk show telephone interface, to take calls on the air
  • Equipment that allows the station to send info to car and home radio receivers, the mobile app and the Black Power 96 website, so they can display things like show title, host name and the song/artists playing.
  • Better quality mic cables, a studio loudspeaker, computer monitors and more.

Thank you to some of our listeners who have already answered the call and contributed to this important campaign:

Kabula in Chicago, IL
Vince in Ft. Myers, FL
Allie in Somerville, MA

Donate now so we can bring you the best radio possible!